After 4 months of being misdiagnosed, endless internet research and trial and error trying to figure out why I have dry eye and a recurring corneal abrasion… today I had my first consultation with Dr Dave… He is the only optometrist I have met who seems to understand Demodex Blepharitis and not just dismiss it as “eyelid dandruff” and fob you off with warm compresses. I was with him for 2 hours and was massively impressed with the level of detail he goes into with diagnostics, I even came away with a video shot through a microscope of the little demodex mites that were infesting my eye lashes. (you can literally see their little feet moving!) As someone who’s a bit nervous around health professionals due to being misdiagnosed in the past, Dr Dave demonstrates an extremely impressive level of competency which instantly reassured me. He also has a very informative and reassuring mannerism when dealing with me which really helped put my mind at rest. I was then expecting to be sent away with treatment options and an appointment for the next few weeks…. nope… treated there and then! So, hour 2 Dr Dave debrided my eyelids and treated me with something called ‘Zest’, which I’ve seen from my own prior research to be one of the best treatments for Demodex. The results seem to have been instantaneous. During the 1 hour drive to the clinic, my left eye was very dry and stinging… during the journey back… nothing, it was like I had new eyelids that work properly! I’m actually quite shocked how effective the treatment has been, especially after months of anxiety trying to get to the bottom of this condition. I’m booked in for a follow up in 3 months as it seems I do have a quite severe case of these little eye mites and Dr Dave advised me I will likely need to be treated again, and then once every 6 months. But after my experience today, I’m more than happy to come back to keep my eyes in top condition. I’ve also referred my partner who will be paying a visit for her dry eye condition too. Very, very, very impressed and thank you for seeing me today! If you have dry eye I would HIGHLY recommend booking in here as most other eye specialists don’t seem to possess the necessary knowledge to treat this condition properly.